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An introduction to:
Modigliani: New authentication projects may explode global collecting market
by Daniel J. Voelker


Counterfeiting has been the bane of the collecting market for millennia and has in many ways served to gin up and extend interest in coveted items, like art and luxury watches.

Hong Kong based Undone, under a license agreement with DC comics, has released a Dynamic Duo of watches to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Batman, everyone’s favorite Dark Knight.


Lights the way

Trigalight is the brand name for the self-illuminating Tritium-filled tubes that need no exposure to light in order to glow. Created by the mb microtec company based in Niederwengen Switzerland, these self illuminating tubes have found homes in a variety of products including gun sights and wristwatches. The subtle and steady glow these tubes create make it a perfect addition for military, police, and other services that need to be able to reference the time under a host of conditions. And although these tubes will glow nearly as bright as when they were manufactured for 20-25 years, they pose absolutely no danger to the user as the low-level radiation is perfectly safe to use and be near.